At Amritatva, we want to ensure you’re completely satisfied with your purchase. If for any reason you’re not, we offer a flexible return policy.

Before Shipment

  • Orders can be canceled up to 1 hour after receiving the order confirmation.
  • If you decide to cancel your order before dispatch, please contact us.

After Shipment

  • Orders cannot be canceled after shipping.
  • If you’ve received your order and would like to return it, please see our return procedure below.

Return Procedure

  • Contact us within 30 days of receiving your order to initiate the return process.
  • Please provide your order number, reason for return, and whether you’d like a refund or exchange.
  • We’ll guide you through the next steps.


  • Once we receive your returned item and it’s approved, your refund will be processed within 7 working days to the original method of payment.
  • If only a part of the order is returned, or if you opt for a partial refund, we’ll adjust the refund amount accordingly.

Late or Missing Refunds

  • If you haven’t received your refund yet, please first check your bank statement again.
  • If it still hasn’t been processed, contact your bank as processing times can vary.
  • If you need further assistance, please reach out to us directly at +91 7976316494. We’re here to help.






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